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Our first activity was a pre-booked Taste of Prague Food Tour. We've found doing a walking food tour the day you arrive helps keep you active, gives you a great orientation to the city and ensures you will not starve on your first day in a foreign country! We chose this tour based on Trip Advisor reviews and their great Instagram account. 


We loved the tour as it was a combination of both traditional Czech fare and international food with a local flair. It was a small group all from the US and the guide was lovely. We went to seven different locations and even had a chance to jump on the tram! 


At the end of the tour, our guide offered to give everyone instructions on how to get back to their own hotels, but because we ended in Karlin, a long walk back, we took an Uber. 

With a scheduled tour in the morning to Terezin, we went to bed early. Great start to the trip!

What we learned         Number two pencil was invented in CZ     Wisconsin cheese curds are better    CZ pilsner is better   Uber is the way to go

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